Our focus will be on letting go of what keeps us from expressing our Authentic selves.
When we drop the “performance” of acting and show up authentically, profound truths are revealed in our work.
The progression is really quite simple:
Listen Fully…Let Go Completely…Respond Truthfully
Exercises will include:
Movement to release physical tension, Meisner repetition to build connection, Method based
relaxation to help with breath-work, Improv to help with trusting spontaneity and instinct, finding core truth in what we are saying while working with text … and more
We will be using scenes from the powerful screenplay MASS in the workshop.
“Years after a horrible tragedy turned their lives upside down, two couples, one, the parents of a victim of school shooting and the other, parents of the perpetrator, sit down to have a painful and heart-wrenching conversation about grief and loss.”
Please DOWNLOAD THE SCRIPT HERE, read it in its entirety, and bring a printed copy to class.
“What will I gain from working with Kirk…what might I come away with that’s different?”
I thrive on helping actors to stop acting. This begins by trusting our instincts and impulses, and turning off the mind that’s trying to make sure we’re “right” or “safe”… which is restricting, counterproductive and exhausting.
When we turn the mind off and listen, we become grounded, secure and empowered. Receptive to what is in front of us and to what our text “wants to do with us” rather than “what we think we should do with it.”
Read testimonials from my students HERE.
I know some of my students are struggling this season, so I’ve decided to gift all workshop participants 100€ discount. This is the largest discount I’ve ever given, because I want this class to be accessible to each of you. Today’s Artists need support, encouragement, community and a space for creative release now more than ever. My hope is that with all the heartbreak we’ve been through the past 2.5 years, this will help us dig in and return to our authentic selves.
March 6 – 9, 10am – 5pm
Studio Iapsis
Rossauer Lände 23A
1090 Wien
Dress comfortably, bring lunch, water, a notebook and a pen along with your big bad beautiful self, and open mind.
Remember to DOWNLOAD THE SCRIPT HERE, read it in its entirety, and bring a printed copy to class.
Let’s discover who we truly are, shine creatively and celebrate our Authenticity.
Early (until 7th Feb):500€ 400€
After 7th Feb: 530€ 430€
Early (until 7th Feb): 480€ 380€
After 7th Feb: 500€ 400€
I hope this helps and want to thank Studio Iaspis in Vienna for their commitment to giving Actors the home they need and deserve. Here’s to a vibrant 2023.
To SIGN UP, email Greta at: