The progression is really quite simple:
Listen Fully…
Let Go Completely…
Respond Truthfully.
We practice this first without text…then with text.
In this 4 day Masterclass we will explore:
Sensory Exercises
Meisner Repetition
Character Development
Working with text
We are set free as artists when our work is not looked upon as a performance that’s “flung out there”…but as a courageously vulnerable internal experience that is released and shared.
Together we will return to connection while taking the necessary precautions to care for ourselves and our community.
In this workshop, we’ll be using an original screenplay titled The Cut, which is currently in development in Los Angeles. This script has only been seen by producers and investors, so the opportunity to work with it is really unique. The Cut is a dark comedy with some really fun and twisted characters.
Additionally, Ansgar Sinnecker – an exceptionally talented photographer (@ansgar_sinnecker) – will be with us in Munich for the last day of our workshop (Nov 3rd) shooting stills during class and gifting all participants an individual portrait at the end of the day!
Grab your spot and join us for this rare opportunity!!!
Click here to read The Cut

October 31 – Nov 3
Bergmannstr. 22 (im Hof)
80339 München
Early-bird ticket sales begin July 31